Cuba,consigli per vacanze,organizzazione viaggi nella stupenda isola accompagnati da un italiano.
Dagli alloggi,auto con autista,e guide italiane per la vostra vacanza. Tour personalizzati in base alle vostre esigenze
Auguri di Buone Feste a tutti.
Per questi giorni sarò momentaneamente assente, i vari pranzi e cene occuperanno queste ore.
Ringrazio vivamente tutti quelli che seguono questo blog.
Buone feste anche a te Alle! Tanti Tanti Auguri per il niovo Anno! Vi dedico una bella canzone di John Lennon:
So this is Xmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Xmas I hope you have fun The near and the dear one The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear
And so this is Xmas For weak and for strong For rich and the poor ones The world is so wrong And so happy Xmas For black and for white For yellow and red ones Let's stop all the fight
A very Merry Xmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear
And so this is Xmas And what have we done Another year over A new one just begun And so happy Xmas We hope you have fun The near and the dear one The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear War is over, if you want it War is over now
3 commenti:
Buone feste anche a te Alle!
Tanti Tanti Auguri per il niovo Anno!
Vi dedico una bella canzone di John Lennon:
So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Xmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Xmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight
A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Xmas
And what have we done
Another year over
A new one just begun
And so happy Xmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now
Happy Xmas
Buone feste Alle!!
Ma Dinelli cosa fai anche qui!???
Quando cavolo torni?
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